I am a coordinator of Japanese lacquer ware.

My name is Misako Mimura, and I am a coordinator of Japanese lacquer ware.

My family welcomes exchange students every year, and all students, who come to my place, are always interested in lacquer ware. When my sons went to study-abroad, I made them bring some lacquer wares, as presents, and the host families, and their friends loved them.

As some of you already know, porcelains are often called [china], and as opposed to [china], lacquer wares are called [japan]. Lacquer wares are definitely, one of the well-known, traditional Japanese handicrafts.

I can find any lacquer ware, price ranging from high to low. Just tell me your budget, and images, or what kind of purpose, or occasion that you want to use it for.

This is why, I call myself a lacquer ware coordinator.


Feel free contact if you have any questions.